Our Services

Our services are provided through three key areas:

Legal Services

Legal Services

We offer First Nations people in Victoria legal and mediation expertise to progress native title claims and settlement agreements.

Our team of lawyers provide:

  • Advice on formal recognition.
  • Assistance to groups who are developing formal recognition applications.
  • Representation for groups in court and negotiation processes.

We act on instructions from the full group (all those who hold or may hold native title rights and interests in a particular area of Country in Victoria) via the authorised applicant in a native title claim, rather than individuals.

Research Services

Our research team provides highly informed insights into First Nations people’s connections to Country through primary anthropological and historical research which support the basis for native title claims and settlement processes in Victoria.

Researchers may be required to obtain information from First Nations people regarding their traditional laws and customs, their rights and interests on Country, the extent of their Country, specific sites of significance and their genealogical link to ancestors.

Our team of Researchers:

  • Conduct in-depth analysis of the culture and history of Victorian First Nations people.
  • Meet with families and individuals to discuss their connection to Country and their family history.
  • Produce comprehensive, technical reports to assist the Court in native title proceedings.
  • Provide research presentations to First Nations groups.

Community Engagement

The community engagement team leads communication and engagement with First Nations people. This includes organising meetings with individuals, family groups and all First Nations people in an area (which we call a “full group” or “community” meeting).

Through our team of community liaison officers, we support First Nations people communities by:

  • Acting as a bridge between First Peoples communities, Government, agencies, institutions and the community.
  • Building and nurturing positive relationships with community members, stakeholders, and leaders.
  • Fostering trust, collaboration and mutual understanding to address issues, concerns, and priorities relating to native title and other formal recognition processes.
  • Providing support, resources and guidance to First Peoples communities in accessing information and advocating for their native title interests.
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