About Us

At First Nations Legal & Research Services (FNLRS), we specialise in securing native title, formal recognition and settlements for First Nations peoples in Victoria. Led by our Board of Victorian First Nations people and informed by the principle of self-determination, our dedicated team work collaboratively with First Nations communities to support them to achieve their aspirations and rights to Country.

Your Native Title Service Provider

As the designated Victorian native title service provider, we operate under the Native Title Act 1993. As specified by the Commonwealth Government, our mandate is to:



Support First Nations people to make native title and compensation applications.

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Assist in negotiations, mediations and other processes concerning native title.

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Certify applications 
for native title determinations and registration of agreements.

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Mediate disputes affecting native title holders.

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Notify First Nations communities of activities proposed on their Country that may impact on their native title rights and interests.

We are committed to supporting First Nations people through formal recognition as Traditional Owners of Country and fostering meaningful outcomes for First Nations people across Victoria.

We receive funding from the Victorian Government through the Traditional Owner Nation-building Support Package. This supplements our Commonwealth funding by providing additional opportunities for families and Traditional Owner groups to discuss and understand the research materials as it relates to them and make decisions about what formal recognition pathways they wish to pursue.

Our Services Teams

Community Liaison Officers

Lead communications and engagements with First Nations people and organise meetings with individuals, family groups and First Nations people communities for an area (which we call a “full group” or “community” meeting).


Provide advice on formal recognition, assist groups to develop formal recognition applications and represent groups in court and negotiation processes. Our lawyers act on instructions from the full group (all those who hold, or may hold, native title rights) via the authorised applicant in a native title claim, rather than individuals.


Gather evidence of “Traditional” cultural practices from both historical and contemporary sources. Researchers document, analyse and present expert evidence in comprehensive technical reports and provide testimony in court proceedings.

FNLRS History

Formerly known as Native Title Services Victoria (NTSV), FNLRS was established in 2003 following the ruling of the Yorta Yorta native title claim and as part of the Native Title Act 1993 with the goal to provide First Nations people with support in native title matters ensuring its success.

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