Strategic Plan & Review

The recognition landscape in Victoria has changed significantly since First Nations Legal & Research Services was established in 2003. It’s important we adapt our approach and shape our services in response to the changed circumstances, and continue to provide the best possible services for First Nations people both now and into the future.

In 2022, we commissioned the Strategic Review (the Review) to broadly consider our role, operations, and structure within the changing native title environment in Victoria. Completed in 2023, the review reconfirmed the important role we play assisting Victorian First Nations communities to achieve native title outcomes.

The First Nations Legal & Research Services Board accepted the review recommendations in full. We have started implementing recommendations, including changing our processes around the provision of assistance to native title groups and creating a panel of suitably qualified and experienced native title practitioners to work with First Nations communities.

The Board thanks reviewers, Dan Kelly, Dr Eddie Cubillo and Jaynaya Dwyer for their persistence, insight and clarity in the review process and the honesty and support from everyone who participated. 

We will continue to review and adapt as an organisation as we navigate the complexities and shifting landscape of native title and the opportunities of the emerging Treaty process.

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